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This would mean that the first line of consumers would fund the development of the company.A
supercar concept was created to prove that green cars can be sexy, sporty and practical.
The answer was simple; they decided that their first venture would have to start out
like the high tech gadgets, hyped-up, over priced and rare, becoming cheaper with time and
volume. Tesla set about designing the battery and engine system but left the design and
manufacture of the car to British racing legends Lotus.The engineless cars were shipped to California
where the engines were installed and charged bringing the final cost of the car to
$100,000. The Tesla Roadster Sport, a child tn of Silicon Valley, financed by 38 year old
PayPal billionaire Elon Musk, it is the first fully electric supercar with commercial viability. An
unconventional motoring start-up founded by Californian software engineer Martin Eberhard.Eberhard's aim was to develop a
car that ran on sustainable energy while, unlike all its competitors, being practical enough to
use every day. The difficulty was developing the technology and putting it in a car
everybody could afford. Musk had strong ties with Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin
who also invested in the company, ties to a film company gave Tesla a chance
to market the car to George Clooney, who in turn convinced Matt Damon, Leonardo 925 silver DiCaprio,
the Red Hot Chili Peppers and a list of celebrities to rival the Oscars. With
celebrity endorsement came publicity and the company was the darling of the 'cleantech' industry.There is
currently a waiting list of over 1000for the car which went into production last year.
It's a modest price for a supercar but a steal of an investment into a
company that could hold the future for the motoring industry.The company was backed by South
African billionaire Elon Musk, who sold PayPal to eBay; he was currently investing in commercial
rocket science with an aim to put men on mars. Customers include all of the
investors along with a' who's-who' of the rich and famous as jumping on the eco-wagon
becomes increasingly fashionable.Testing of the Roadster has stated its performance at 0-60 in 3.7 seconds
with a limited top speed of 125mph, it will out-drag a Ferrari and with the
advantages of electronic torque, will keep you pinned in your seat from the moment your
foot touches the pedal, all in silence.Tesla plan on selling the designs for their engines
to some of the big European car giants which will see a huge rise in
electric car technology, meaning even if your next car isn't electric, the one after probably
will be.Although the Tesla is capable of speeding, it's electronic speed limiter complies with motoring
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