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John's University and University of New Mexico basketball coach, speaking of the foreign student athletes.Think it
is only basketball where Americans are losing ground? Aquatic athletes are coming to U.S. It
includes players from as far away as Australia, as in Andrew Bogut, the first overall
NBA draft pick of 2005. public policy to Major League Baseball, she is an eclectic
thinker, and demanding of her readers to reflect on their own thinking patterns from an
alternative perspective. has dominated in international aquatic competition. And instead of playing in their home
countries for a minimal salary they instead get the good fortune of a free college
education. Sports are not just games or a business or sheer entertainment for the Chinese.
Yet, it will eventually defeat the U.S. China's use of steroids was also deterred upon
testing positive in past Olympics with several of its women swimmers.But now athletes are welcomed
with opened arms to experience the best training in the world, only to go home
and compete against the U.S. Players are also brought in from Argentina, Brazil, Africa, all
of Europe, Russia and the West Indies, among others. Such hypocrisy is no better exhibited
than by the NBA and the USOC, fearful that America no longer dominates basketball internationally
as it once did, while the NBA in 2006 devotes 25% of its spots to
foreign players.It remains unfair and unrealistic for those Americans who aspire in the future to
become college, Olympic or professional athletes and eventual champions. And as all of the aforementioned
are businesses, they look at the bottom line, even at the sake of opportunities for
American athletes.While the NBA has been successful in creating a myth that European players have
better fundamental skills than American players, yet are inferior overall to the American NBA player,
it all comes down to economics. But the NBA does not get the full scope
of the player's skills, as they remain secluded in another country during development. From U.S.
"I'm surprised at the number of elite athletes from around the world who are in
the NBA as of 2006." National Basketball Association (NBA) Commissioner David Stern made this comment
when asked about the future of the NBA. And the women's German swim team no
longer dominates as it once did with the use of anabolic steroids, which existed in
the pre-testing era when there was an East German team. Grassi Contact:
dgrassi@cox.netDiane M. It is arguable about how much the U.S will gain from China's implied
reciprocity.What is clear, is that China looks at sports far differently than the U.S. athlete
and impact morale and America's sense of competition.And finally, the idea that white American players
are not equipped to play in the NBA but white European players are, including those
who are not professionals and go tn requin through the same NCAA experience, is but a fallacy
and has been perpetuated for far too long. Since the modern Olympic Games, the U.S.
China's persistent human rights and labor abuses are never discussed in a perfect NBA world
either and why should they be? After all, the U.S. China is clearly priority No.
According to Ueberroth, "We clearly need to reach out to every nation, no exception, and
envelop friendship through sport," supposedly to give other countries a different perception of Americans.But the
agreement in friendship goes far beyond a mere symbolic gesture, just two years before the
2008 Beijing Olympics. Recruitment of new talent cannot be overlooked either, with the NBA's appetite
to diversify its player personnel. Stern has structured a marketing engine in China, ready
to sell more NBA merchandise and apparel, expanding its online presence, offering live streaming of
NBA games online and hopes to double its broadcasts of NBA games to 50 in
the next few years. Titled the Memorandum of Intentions for Sport Exchanges Between the Chinese
Olympic Committee and the United States Olympic Committee, it is designed to promote friendship and
understanding between the two nations. college campuses in droves. For without America's resources and its
full support they will simply lose.Copyright ©2006 Diane M. Ms. Reddick, and past players John
Stockton, Christian Laettner, and Chris Mullin along with the great Larry Bird. The NBA however
takes a gamble and figures that buying out a less than lucrative contract for a
potential superstar is a better bet than having patience with an American who may have
had a marginal NCAA career and may demand an overpriced contract.Meanwhile, NCAA Basketball is rabidly
recruiting those foreign players who do not sign professional contracts abroad, or those who may
have fraudulently made their way into the American collegiate system, which has been fully documented.
China's main intent is not to develop NBA stars but for their athletes to be
representative of the nation and that international competition is far more important than lending a
few players to the NBA. does. As aptly put by Kenny Smith, former NBA world
champion and now TNT studio analyst for NBA games, "Something deeper and more complex than
"poor fundamentals" is at play here and young NBA players had better check it out."The
USOC, the NBA, the NCAA, MLB, including the NFL, simply cannot continue to dilute the
American pool of athletes while at the same time expect Americans to dominate in their
respective sports. The NBA, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, (NCAA) in addition to Major League
Baseball (MLB) and the National Football League, (NFL) are about packaging those individuals in order
to market the whole of their sports. Countries such as Germany, Malaysia, Finland, Sweden, Hungary,
Italy, Estonia, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, Hungary, Kazakstan requin tn and of
course China, among many other countries, send their athletes to enroll in U.S. trainers and
coaches in order to increase their winning potential on the world circuits. Australia has recently
closed the gap. Grassi will have you coming back to note her opinions, and if
at best she wakes you up, then her goal will have been accomplished.Ms. schools with
the best swimming and diving programs. Should that come at the expense of funding Americans
preparing for the Olympics or deprives American students from college educations all in the name
of globalism, so be it. Elite athletes in China are trained to project national ambition.
He went on to say that the NBA's business holdings in China are growing by
30% each year.Stern hopes to double the NBA's staff from 50 to 100 at its
three China offices in time for the Beijing Olympics in 2008. It will provide the
Chinese with the U.S. NBA merchandise is sold in over 20,000 retail outlets throughout China
and in 2005-2006 the NBA signed on with five new Chinese marketing partners. In addition,
censorship of broadcasts and limited internet access by the Chinese people is controlled by the
Communist Chinese Party. government pays but lip service to a trade partner and major creditor
in China, which the U.S. But David Stern's surprise is rather disingenuous, as he readily
admits the NBA's commitments to investing in Europe, South America, Africa and China, to name
a few, over the past decade."The China market is our most important and largest market
outside the United States. She also writes regular columns on Major League Baseball where she
is a featured online columnist with The Diamond Angle Baseball Ezine and Sports-Central.org. According to
Andrew Bogut, "Once you're here, you're kind of taken care of. while seeking out U.S.
A job isn't necessary if you're on a full scholarship." "With a free education, three
meals a day and a nice dormitory, rather than complain about college cafeteria food, they
think its Morton's Steakhouse," says Fran Fraschilla, former St. But yet the Chinese are also
smart in business and will suffer allowing a little entertainment for its people, on its
own terms of course, while at the same time benefiting from millions of dollars in
American business ventures.And while the Chinese have different cultural objectives than the western world, other
countries are about the individual. Were Europeans the best players, it might be more acceptable.But
the increase of insourcing foreign players in the U.S. Primarily among them are Russian
women tennis players and Korean women golfers.And while individual professional athletes are received differently than
professional teams or college athletes in the U.S., the sports industry including the USOC wishes
to change its image from that of competitor to that of being inclusive and politically
correct. Such schools offer excellent academics as well including the University of California at Los
Angeles, (UCLA) the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Southern California, the University
of Minnesota, the University of Florida and the University of Arizona.And we cannot forget about
the recent flood of professional tennis players and professional golfers making homes in the U.S.
in June 2006, United States Olympic Committee (USOC) Chairman, Peter Ueberroth, signed a bilateral agreement
with the China Olympic Committee. 1," Stern said, as he was interviewed from Guangzhou, China
in early August 2006, where the U.S. economy is virtually dependent upon.Prior to Stern's recent
visit to China, back in the U.S. Stern has set his sights on the NBA
playing regular season games in China as well.Although NBA.com/China was launched by the NBA in
November 2002 and has had limited TV broadcasts since 1991, it currently has programming on
24 television outlets including on national TV station China Central Television, which broadcasts NBA games
for free. For the 2006-2007 NBA season, approximately 100 of the NBA's 450 players will
be from countries outside of the United States. But one can only wonder how much
benefit NBA players will realize from such investments.But this is only part of the story,
as there are many problems which still remain such as the rampant counterfeiting of NBA
merchandise in China, which exists in every sector of marketed goods there, costing U.S. However,
the signing of such foreign students means less opportunity for American students, and some of
whom who just wish to finance an education while at the same time doing so
by playing basketball.Yet, the majority of Europeans playing college basketball are not NBA material. It
is simply wrong. Grassi is a freelance columnist, reporting and writing commentary on current events
of the day providing honest and often politically incorrect assessments. sharing of its expertise in
coaching, its sports facilities, inroads in science and medicine, management and marketing, among other things.
firms billions of dollars in lost revenues each year. Grassi is featured with the online
publications: New Media Journal.us; American Chronicle; Mich News.com; Opinions Editorials; the Conservative Voice;
Liberty Watch Magazine as well as many others. on the world's stage. Since the U.S.
National Basketball Team was playing in exhibition games prior to the World Championships in Japan.
Whether you agree with her or not, Diane M. will become the new norm and
the best athletes now, who are predominantly African Americans, will be sacrificed. uses the NCAA
primarily as its developmental league, and Europeans can sign professional contracts at age 16, the
NBA signs European players and waits now until they are 19 years of age and
drafts them directly into the NBA. The few exceptions to this myth are the newly
drafted Adam Morrison and J.J. Grassi may contacted at: dgrassi@cox.net.
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