2011년 10월 14일 금요일

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They usually have a seat that screws on and off and an all important cover to
close after use. This will seem like a headache at first but once you've done
it several times, it will become routine. Remember to include toilet paper, feminine hygiene products,
and hand sanitizer when stocking.Medications If you are on a regimen of prescription drugs,
make sure you have at least a week's supply stored. In an emergency you probably
will not think of this, but if you need these drugs for conditions such as
diabetes, asthma, allergy, heart problems, or high blood pressure having them on hand will quite
simply help you stay alive.First Aid Kit Tn Requin Make sure you have one and that
it's well stock with bandages, Neosporin, alcohol and other antiseptics, antihistamines, and over the counter
medications that you use frequently for cuts, and scrapes.Generator This will certainly come in
handy for long periods of power outages in severe heat or cold. Having one on
hand and ready to power up will make a huge difference in your family's ability
to stay warm or cool, use stoves to cook, and run pumps for water.Air Purifier
Depending on the nature of the disaster, it may be important to filter the
air of dust, chemicals, gas, and other harmful pollutants. They could make a real
difference tn requin in being able to survive more comfortably.Portable Toilet These can be found at
many hardware and superstores and are very low tech but effective in getting the job
done in an emergency. Don't forget to include pet food, can openers, and utensils.Clothes and
Blankets Store extra clothes including shoes, socks, underwear, coats, hats, gloves and blankets. We
all hope for the best, but if disaster happens being prepared can greatly increase your
chances of surviving until help comes. Mark the calendar on your computer with a 6
month reminder to check expiration dates for food and water then move those to your
current pantry and use so they do not go to waste. Designate an area in
your home as the safe place where you are to meet in case of emergency
(basement or first floor) and stock it with the following items that will help you
and those you love make it through.Food and Water Store cans of food and
bottled water. Keep an eye on expiration dates and replenish supplies to make sure they
stay current. The importance of being able to keep your air clean in an emergency
can mean the biggest key to surviving.An excellent resource for an air purifier that will
remove airborne dust, harmful chemicals, and gases from your air is offered by PurerAir.com-- the
HealthMate Plus Purifier at http://purerair.com/healthmate_plus.html.
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