2011년 10월 16일 일요일

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I believe training economy is one of the most important aspects of strength & conditioning for
athletes. Then there are crossover movements like front squats and push presses. They are slowly
stretching the rubber band, otherwise known as the hamstrings. Mainstream acceptance usually means a bunch
of young coaches bastardizing a perfectly legitimate strength training protocol. Yet they are single plane
movement, done while holding your breath. How explosive do you think an athlete could be
if they limited their deadlift poundage to what they could handle in the front squat,
or hang clean? A 500lb deadlifter that could only front squat 300lbs, would develop a
hell of a lot of force pulling 300-350lbs for explosiveness. I personally believe the development
of absolute strength should be the basis of any strength and conditioning program for athletes.
Powerlifting training allows you to use heavier loads, and develop absolute strength. Don't most athletes
demand both? Luckily the body has no Olympic or Powerlifting bias. And frankly that reflects
some ignorance on their part. It was a rude awakening. It's much like teaching a
kid to play an instrument. Learning to be strong while breathing is something that every
athlete must do.Another benefit of strongman training is a forgotten element sometimes. This is the
portion of the movement that Olympic lifting proponents attribute to building explosiveness for sports, and
I do not disagree with them.After reading this you are probably expecting me to say
that powerlifting training is definitely the way to go for football. If you have seen
any of Coach Dan John's videos or seminars he breaks down the movements and can
have you snatching and cleaning in a matter of hours or days. There is no
reason to only use one style of training. I believe that the best strength programs
will take something from all the disciplines. Which movement is more technical, a tire flip
or a snatch? Even with a superior coach like Coach John, it takes some time
to develop proficiency in a complex move like the snatch. Also there is a 925 silver limiting
factor to the loads you can use with the Olympic lifts. I have never understood
why these two training styles seem to be mutually exclusive. A larger tire is probably
a hundred more pounds at least. Attitude and aggression are things that should be encouraged
during training. on my back for a distance would be relatively easy. It simply strives
to become proficient in whatever the task at hand may be. From my work with
athletes the best hybrid between powerlifting and Olympic lifting is Strongman Training.Strongman training has many
benefits when compared to the other two classic disciplines. Powerlifting movements such as the squat
and deadlift build sheer strength as well as packing on tons of muscle mass. Strongman
training helps an athlete take their strength in the weight room to his chosen field
of play. I had recently squatted close to 800 lbs, and thought that carrying 600lbs.
However, there are significant limitations to powerlifting training as well. Olympic lifts such as hang
cleans, and muscle snatches are great for developing, hip snap, jumping ability, and overall explosiveness.
This is also where the majority of sports are played as well. Almost all athletes
should do more of each. One that is finally starting to get some mainstream acceptance,
though I am not sure if that's a good thing. Most young athletes need the
training to be fun for them to give their best effort. Yes I recognize there
grabbing them under the armpits will work for a handle, but it is "technically" illegal...wink,
wink.The last point I will make about strongman training is that most of it is
done outside in the elements. You have to realize that the amount of aggression that
you can apply to a lift is inversely proportional to how technical a lift is.
I recall the first time I used a strongman yoke. The clean is comprised roughly
of a deadlift, hang clean and front squat. There is no way you could get
kid to stand still for that if they had a barbell in their tn requin hands. First
of all they are all single plane movements. The second pull is where the hip
snap and jump occurs; these movements are basically the basis of most sports performance. The
most important of which is that you are taught to be strong in several planes.
At the high school level, they might even participate in multiple sports. The initial pull
can't be explosive because they are building up, and getting into position for the all
important second pull. We all recognize that the less an athlete has to THINK the
better, and that goes for the weight room as well as the field of play.You
also don't take small jumps in strongman. They have to feed their ego. Strength is
the platform that skill is built upon. I hate to disappoint you, but since training
should be fluid; the answer is yes and no. Despite having said that, I consider
the Olympic lifts to be somewhat technical. That is HUGE. You can give them a
drum, and right away they can beat the hell out of it. Why do you
have to select between them? It has long been accepted that Olympic lifting developed explosive
power, and powerlifting develops absolute strength. The problem with trying to do both is that
there are only so many training hours in the week. There are things to draw
from all three. The debate is as old as the sentence, it seems. It is
different, and fun. One of those 3 movements will hold back the other two. Give
the same kid a French horn and see how they do. Not to mention that
strongman training lends itself to a healthy competitive atmosphere.So does that mean that I think
that strongman is the end all and be of all strength and conditioning for sports?
Not at all. Olympic lifts require a lot more attention to detail than the powerlifts
do. Where as, as long as the tire is the proper weight, you can show
a kid how to flip a tire and have them doing it in a matter
of minutes. And that's just IF they could clean 300lbs.Also if you watch Olympic weightlifters
closely, the initial pull is not explosive. You learn to be strong while having to
breathe. The moment I let out my initial breath, I started losing tightness, and the
weight started to crush me. Even in the off season, athletes spend a substantial amount
of time developing specific skills for their sport, or at least they should. Balancing the
weight while walking was difficult, but what really got me was I had to BREATHE.
Making football players mentally tough should be a goal of any strength and conditioning program,
as I addressed in my article about finishers. It, and the squat, will build sheer
strength and overall muscle mass like very few lifts. If you are doing a barbell
exercise, a kid will always want to add weight, even if it's only 5 lbs.
Take the deadlift, my favorite lift for training athletes and assessing their progress. And as
far as barbells go, one more advantage of strongman training is that tires and sandbags
don't have handles.... So how do we decide which training style to follow? Let's look
at each, shall we?!One of the main concerns strength coaches have with Olympic lifting is
the complexity of the movements. With strongman training they have to become more proficient at
the same weight, work on moving it fast and developing more explosiveness. neither do offensive/defensive
linemen. And apart from occasionally sitting on the sideline hoping a game winning field goal
is made, that's not how we play sports.So if neither of these training styles by
themselves are optimum then what is the answer?! Well in my opinion there is a
dark horse in this race. And performance on the field is what really matters.Don Johnson
is a Performance Specialist and owner of Mammoth Strength, an athletic training facility in Jacksonville,
Florida. I train athletes to be bigger, stronger, faster, and mentally tougher than their competition.Lean
more about my training, and get a FREE training program: http://mammothstrength.com.
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