2011년 10월 11일 화요일

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Those sneakers with the mud caked on them are an indication that she may be a
runner - or possibly a gardener. Today, the designer shoes on the market do very
little to protect the feet - in fact, in many cases, a woman would be
better off walking bare foot - but women still buy the designs, and designers still
come up with more ways to skimp on the shoes and raise the prices -
the less shoe there actually is, the higher the price goes!Take a little time today
and go open your closet door - or the closet door of the woman you
love. That scuffed up pair are her favorites. There are even women who cannot drive
past a shoe store with out dropping in to buy a brand new pair of
womens shoes. Women have shoes to wear for every situation that life may throw at
them! A woman's shoes really go a long way towards telling you who she is,
what she is like, and what she does with her life.In the past, women envied
Tn Requin each other over their outfits, the hairdo's, and even their husbands! Today - the envy
is in the shoes! Some women refuse to tell other women where they shop for
shoes! Some women search far and wide - and pay very high prices - to
find shoes that none of their friends have or can find, or to find shoes
that go perfectly with an outfit - or an upcoming event! Shoe shopping and decisions
today has become a sort of madness among many women! The first thing a woman
notices about another woman is - you guess it - her shoes!Shoe designers are having
to work double time to come up with fresh new designs for womens footwear in
every category each year - high heels, sandals, sneakers, pumps, spikes, wedges - every type
of womans shoe that you can imagine! Women want the freshest looks, and the latest
designs, and they are willing to pay for them. If you open the door of
any average woman's closet, you will be able to tell quite a bit about her
chaussures puma - by checking out her shoes. Are there a large number of dress shoes in
every color and size imaginable? She works in an office.Our shoes tell other people quite
a bit about us - more than most people realize. There is no question about
it - we love womens shoes. What do the womens shoes in that closet tell
you about yourself or that woman? You may even find some surprises if you are
checking out someone else's collection of shoes!Shoes-heaven.com provides you with information on the latest womens
shoe fashion and much, much more. Have you ever driven past a shoe store when
there was a sale going on? The parking lot is packed, and the way women
walk out with boxes piled high, you would think that they were giving the shoes
away!A woman makes a statement with her shoes today. It says that the latest fashion
may be more important than overall health. Tom Hanks, in Forest Gump said "Mama always
said you could tell an awful lot about a person by the kind of shoes
they wear." And his Mama was right! But this is a more accurate statement about
women than it is for men. Sometimes, however, they pay at the cost of their
feet!The majority of women's shoes were not designed for comfort or support - they were
designed for looks - or maybe even for shock value. If you see cowboy boots,
she may ride horses, but if the boots are in excellent condition - with no
dirt, scuffs or dust - she is probably into country and western dance. The strangest
part is that women pay hundreds, and in some cases, thousands of dollars for shoes
that are literally ruining their feet!This fact alone also says a lot about a woman.
Originally, shoes were meant to protect the feet. Comfort and support are usually not taken
into consideration at all when high fashion is at stake. Some of these shoes not
only hurt the feet that wear them, they often affect - and hurt - the
backs of the women who wear these shoes. For info on womens shoes, come to
shoes-heaven.com! http://www.shoes-heaven.com.
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